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10 self-care tips during pregnancy

With so many books, blogs and “do’s and don’ts” of pregnancy, it can feel daunting to keep a checklist of how to best care for you and your baby. Whether you’re a first time mom or this is your second (or third) BE PATIENT with yourself while you learn, grow and change through pregnancy – every body, experience, and journey is unique to its own. Our bodies are smart and capable…I couldn’t believe how much faster my body changed with #2 – it knew exactly what to do.

Compared to my first I was more attuned to what my body needed, and felt more at peace with the MANY transformations we experience as moms. My pregnancy with Indie was starkly different than Navy — unrelenting morning sickness that persisted till week 34, indigestion that led to vomiting and many sleepless nights, congestion (hi Afrin), annddd something very new…bulging varicose veins in my legs and groin. Painful.. YES! All this compounded while doing my best to chase and entertain my toddler and keeping my head above water at work. Wow. The new found appreciation for mommas of multiples is REAL.

Staying healthy, managing my symptoms, and resting when I had the chance was my main focus. I tried different vitamins, supplements, foods and almost every anti-nausea trick in the book to find the best wellness routine for me. Sharing all my tips and tricks below that I found most beneficial!!

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