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Sahra Eldaly

Sahra Eldaly


Sahra Eldaly

With a range of suggestions from doctors on her Endometriosis, Sahra trusted her instinct and is weeks away from delivering her first child


"I just remind myself to take it day by day and whatever happens happens. But by far, the most interesting and confusing time of my life, was when I first found out I was pregnant."

Her Story

My name is Sahra and I live in Utica, Michigan. I wanted to reach out to share my experience of when I found out I was pregnant! This entire journey has been a complete blessing. I just remind myself to take it day by day and whatever happens happens. With that being said the most interesting or confusing time of my life was when I first found out I was pregnant.

Let me tell you about me a bit. I am an entrepreneur, artist, huge into family, always moving kinda woman! Last year during Covid I actually planned, designed, and organized my entire wedding! I even went so far to designing and building my own tables for the wedding (all 22 of them). As many know plans for many people changed during all of last year. There was alot of stress of planning and organizing and just figuring out life! With all the changes it ended up being in my aunts backyard and it was absolutely PERFECT! I wouldn't have changed a single thing!!

I knew throughout my life I always wanted a child or children but I was TERRIFIED about the pregnancy and ESPECIALLY the delivery part of it. I knew when I met my husband, that was it, I wanted kids with him! We got married on October 2nd of 2020. That same week I had gotten off my birth control pill. I had been on the pill for YEARS. The reason I got on it was because I had excruciating back pain and knee pain along with the normal cramps that every woman goes through. Fast forward through the honeymoon I came back and about a month or so after our wedding I woke up one morning with excruciating back pain!! Any position I tried to adjust my body, I was in pain. My mother brought me over an Empi machine which helped relieve some pain for a little bit but it was rough! At the time I thought, "oh my body is still adjusting to me being off the pill... it'll let up soon". I called my OBGYN and they were sure it had nothing to do with them and that I should see my Internal Medicine doctor. It didn't sit right with me. I knew it had something to do with my cycle. I decided to call an OBGYN I used to see years ago and made an appointment with them.

As a week had passed I finally made it into the new doctors. They did blood work and urine and found nothing wrong with me. I was adamant that SOMETHING was going on so they just said to keep an eye on it and do the usual motrin and heating pad. I called them a few days later and I was in even more pain than before. I came in for a follow up appointment and they found that a large cyst ruptured behind my uterus. They were amazed at the amount of fluid I had built up. I was relieved to finally know what the issue was! They continued to say the body will absorb the fluid and that I should follow up in a couple weeks.

Fast forward a couple weeks my pain has slowly gotten quite a bit better but as I told the doctor about the reasons I went on the pill in the first place when I was younger, the doctor diagnosed me with Endometriosis. There wasn't any further testing. She just seemed to magically know. She said to relieve the pain she could give me a pill to get pregnant quickly (wasn't ready just yet as I was a freshly newlywed during COVID), she could put me back on the pill (the pill was making me mentally unstable towards the end), or most woman have a hysterectomy when they're done having kids ( MIND BLOWN). All of this information was thrown at me all at once as if it was picking up a cup of coffee. Like it was no big deal! I was full of all emotions. None of the options sounded good to me!!! I met my husband in a diner parking lot as he couldn't go with me to the doctors because of our state being on lock down. I told him everything the doctor told me and we just felt completely stuck. I was still in pain, the doctor just didn't seem to care the most intense conversation she just with me. We were both a complete and absolute wreck to say the least!!

About a few days after we had gotten that news, I realized I should have had my period that day. I am usually a day or so late if im stressed the way I was so I wasn't too worried. During COVID I started to pray under a cross in my living room every morning. That morning I prayed to God. I begged for him to tell me what was wrong with me. Why was I in so much pain? Will I ever be able to have children? I was feeling so defeated and I had nowhere else to turn. As my husband went off to work, I got up from my prayer and thought "I have this gut feeling to take a pregnancy test". Again, I have no feelings that I am pregnant what so ever but just thought what the heck, why not?! I took not one, but two, and they both came back positive. I was completely in awe and just started sobbing in pure joy and relief! I had to keep it from everyone in my life that day until my husband got home from work! Needless to say he was confused, excited, frustrated with the doctor, all of the emotions really. We both were! But we continue to say this pregnancy was a blessing.

Needless to say I followed up with the doctor and she looked like a deer in headlights. She insisted i had to have gotten pregnant during the time I was in pain. Which could have been the case when I had a day where the pain was non existent. Needless to say I changed doctors immediately! I am now with the best doctors office in town and the pregnancy has been pretty smooth! I am now just a couple weeks away from delivery and I couldn't feel anymore at peace and love as I do right now.

I have a tendency to tell very detailed stories so I apologize for the length but I had to give you a little back story. I wanted to share the story to just remind women to trust their instincts! Life is a magical gift we are given and I am so incredibly blessed to be where i'm at in life and I cannot wait to meet my child! We wanted to wait to find out the gender so we have so many surprises coming our way!

I hope this helps someone, anyone in some way. I thank you for listening.

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